Saturday, September 6, 2008

Food For Healthy Hair.

Hair is made up of proteins called keratin's. Every strand of hair is made up of three layers :

The medulla : the inner layer
The cortex : the middle layer
The cuticle : the outer layer, this protects the cortex.

Only the root of the hair is alive, the rest of your hair from the root down is actually dead cells. This is why shampoos and conditioners which claim to repair damaged hair do not work, what they can do is smooth the cortex (the outer layer of the hair), giving hair a glossy sheen, but hair products can not change the actual structure of the hair. If the hair becomes damaged by, colouring, over heating from hair dryers or straighteners, etc., a good moisturising conditioner will improve the appearance of the hair and help prevent further breakage, but the key to beautiful hair is a balanced diet. The living part of the hair, the root, is nourished by the nutrients in the body so it is essential to eat the right nutrient rich foods to encourage healthy hair growth.

The maintenance of healthy hair depends upon the intake of the following nutrients :

B Vitamins (particularly Vitamins B-6 and B-12) - B Vitamins help maintain healthy hemoglobin levels in the blood which is essential for healthy hair.

Sources of B Vitamins - chicken, fish and soy beans.

Vitamin C - this vitamin promotes collagen production which is key to hair growth.

Sources of Vitamin C - potatoes, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and peppers.

Vitamin A - this vitamin encourages healthy cell growth.

Sources of Vitamin A - fish oil, spinach, eggs and bell peppers.

Vitamin E - this vitamin aids in circulation which in turn benefits hair growth.

Sources of Vitamin E - spinach, nuts, grains and vegetable oils.

Folic Acid - this works with other nutrients to promote healthy hair.

Sources of Folic Acid - oranges, eggs, whole grains, nuts and cereals.

Iron and Copper - these minerals also help the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body tissues.

Sources of Iron - kidney beans, green leafy vegetables and bran
Sources of Copper - fish, seeds and nuts.

Zinc - this mineral aids cell production, tissue growth and repair.

Sources of Zinc - nuts, seafood and grains.

Iodine - this trace element is essential for hair growth.

Sources or Iodine - seafood, seaweed, salmon, eggs and watercress.

Silica - this helps to strenghten the hair.

Sources of Silica - rice, cabbage, onion, sunflower seeds and lettuce.

Essential Fatty Acids - these fatty acids help maintain healthy hair.

Sources of EFA's - trout, mackerel and salmon.

Protein - this is key to cell growth so is essential for hair growth/

Sources of Protein - soybeans, tofu, eggs, seeds, nuts and grains.

Water (6-8 glasses per day) - these keeps the body hydrated in order for the body to utilize the nutrients from the diet, it also keeps all the cells in the body functioning properly.

It is best to try to get the majority of these nutrients from your diet rather than from vitamin and mineral supplements, although taking a omega 3 supplement and silica complex supplement daily is a good idea.

Follow these diet guidelines to get beautiful hair from the inside out.

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